A high point in man-hatred?

The high farce and hysteria that shook one country (Spain) to its core and shockingly triggered fragile feminists throughout the Western World perhaps signified a high point in the man-hatred that feminist activists have propagated since the 1960s.

Who would have thought even twenty years ago that a woman would file a charge of criminal (sexual) assault against a man who in the ecstasy of a world cup win gave the said woman a brief kiss on the lips? Who would have thought the collapse of reason in the West would have tumbled to such depths?

Well, that’s the world we in now – a world so wracked by man-hatred that the legal system not only does not protect men from outrageous or bogus claims but helps to destroy them.

Janice Fiamengo has once again articulated the case again feminism.


The Empress Jenni Hermoso Has No Clothes

But I fear it’s now a sexual crime to say so


13 SEPT 2023

Feminist consensus gathered predictably around the Spanish Kiss imbroglio, in which Spanish footballer Jenni Hermoso filed a criminal complaint of sexual assault and forced the resignation of Luis Rubiales, president of the Spanish Football Federation following his unsolicited World Cup victory kiss.

That’s right. Criminal charges for a kiss—a mere peck—and feminists are still complaining about the injustice to women!

This consensus was given vivid expression in Washington Post columnist Candace Buckner’s op/ed “Jenni Hermoso is a giant. Only an unjust system reduces her to victim,” in which Buckner argued, ludicrously, that Hermoso has been doubly harmed, first at the hands of the odious Rubiales, who “placed his greasy paws on her face and pulled her in to that kiss” and then by the wall-to-wall news coverage afterwards, in which she has been compelled to “take on a new identity. One that never should have belonged to her: ‘Victim.’”

There’s a ring of familiarity here from decades of feminist advocacy, which has held that rape victims are doubly victimized: once during the sexual assault and again when they have to tell their story in public or on the witness stand, answering degrading questions about consent and facing the skepticism of some listeners. (Many victims feel “disbelieved” by a system that grants rights to the accused, and feminists in consequence have called for special courts and judicial training that would “Start by believing.”)

But there has been such a tremendous chorus of support for Hermoso—with teammates and players across the world, including many high-profile male players, as well as Federation officials and Spanish politicians, falling all over themselves to denounce Rubiales as a cad (every man seeing his own head on the chopping block if he fails in righteous indignation)—that the “doubly victimized” motif has been difficult to deploy. Even Rubiales’s uncle has denounced his kin, stating that most of the family stands with his accuser. Therefore, a different indignity has had to be summoned—in this case that Hermoso’s success on the football field has allegedly been eclipsed by the drama engulfing her.

Jenni Hermoso gets spectacular welcome back to club football at Pachuca on  the same day that Luis Rubiales quits Spanish FA post in the wake of  Women's World Cup final kiss storm |

Read the rest here …

Feminism and man-hatred – where we’re at

It began with a few determined women some years ago. In Australia we had Bettina Arndt who was the first to take up the cause. Commentators like Sydney Watson, Janet Albrechtsen, and Daisy Cousens came up behind her. Overseas female academics like Camille Paglia and Janice Fiamengo not only turned away from feminism but began campaigning against it – against the naked push for power and the man-hatred it inspired.

Now we have many female commentators and bloggers taking up the battle against the hateful ideology that feminism is and always was.

One of the most influential youtubers of recent years is Pearl Davis whose channel is ‘Pearl’. Pearl has a style of her own. Her videos are often long – extending to two hours, but that are as gripping as they are long. Below is her interview with (former) professor Janice Fiamengo, one of the most articulate and knowledgeable of the anti-feminist commentators. I urge viewers (particularly men) to listen to at least the first 30 minutes during which Janice gives an accurate summary of feminism and feminist activists.


ABC embarrassed about its findings?

This post follows the previous post about the Victoria Education Department suppressing cases of sexual about in state schools as reported by Russell Jackson on ABC online. Gerard Henderson in the latest Media Watch Dog issue (1 Sept) asks why the ABC gave such scant coverage to such an important story (9000 words). He directed the question to management.


Gerard Henderson to ABC management 1 September 2023

As you are no doubt aware, on Sunday 27 August 2023, ABC News Online ran a story by Russell Jackson titled “How the Victorian Education Department’s child sexual abuse scandal was hidden for decades”.

This was a very important article – running for around 9000 words – which documented how the Victorian Education Department covered up multiple cases of child sexual abuse in Victorian government schools for many decades from the 1960s on. This included moving pedophile teachers from school to school. According to Russell Jackson’s report – to this day the Victorian Education Department has declined to properly address historical child sexual abuse within its own schools.

As you will be aware, solicitors at Maurice Blackburn Lawyers appear regularly on ABC news and current affairs. In his article, Russell Jackson quoted John Rule (a Maurice Blackburn solicitor) as in the following:

“At first I couldn’t believe how common it was,” says John Rule, who leads the abuse team at Maurice Blackburn Lawyers and has represented dozens of plaintiffs who’ve sued the Victorian Education Department in historical childhood sexual abuse matters.

“I tell people the Victorian Education Department are the worst to deal with, and that as far as cover-ups, they’re every bit as bad as the worst bits of the Catholic Church, and people can’t believe it.

“The cover-up was comprehensive, and they managed to slip through the gaps in terms of inquiries and royal commissions, so they’ve never been properly looked at or had their feet held to the fire. The extent of the problem has never been publicly documented, therefore the Education Department has never had to address it or grapple with it in any way.”

Indeed, the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse did not examine a single case study specific to Victorian Education Department schools. Neither did the Victorian government’s own Betrayal of Trust inquiry of 2013, which probed only religious and non-government institutions.

So, according to Mr Rule, in its handling of historical child sexual abuse cases, the Victorian Education Department is “as bad as the worst bits of the Catholic Church”. Moreover, Mr Rule commented that the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, headed by Peter McClellan KC, did not examine even one government school in Victoria. In fact, McClellan’s commission totally ignored government schools in the whole of Australia.

Russell Jackson’s report got a 6 minute run on the ABC News channel on the afternoon of Sunday 27 August which featured an interview with Rightside Legal’s Michael Magazanik. I did not see the ABC evening news in Melbourne on that day. But, as far as I can see, Russell Jackson’s story was not covered by the likes of ABC TV Breakfast, ABC Radio National Breakfast, ABC Radio AM/The World Today/PM, ABC Radio Melbourne’s Mornings program on Monday 28 August.

This in spite of the fact that the above programs gave extensive coverage to the McClellan Royal Commission and to historical child sexual abuse in schools run by the Catholic and Anglican churches.

Currently the Andrews Labor government in Victoria has set up an inquiry into a nest of pedophile teachers at Beaumaris Primary School in Melbourne. The issue is much bigger than one school under the control of the Victorian Education Department.

My question is this. Why did the ABC give such limited coverage to such a big story which affected government schools – in view of the fact that it had given substantial coverage with respect to Catholic and Anglican schools on the same issue?

Victorian Education Department and child sexual abuse

All through the scandal of child sexual abuse committed by Catholic clergy many of us kept on pointing out that the media ignored the fact that child sexual abuse was widespread in the community and not only in Catholic schools.

The ABC was in the frontline of those hounding the Catholic Church to the exclusion of all other social sectors where child sexual abuse occurred. They ignored the state schools where it would have been reasonable to think that if there was abuse in Catholic schools it was probable one would find it in state schools to a similar degree. But, no, only Catholic religious sexually abuse children, don’t youse know?

Well, with poignant irony, an ABC reporter did some investigation and came up with a blockbuster report on the Victorian Education Department’s suppression of abuse cases.

What abominable hypocrites infest the ABC.


How the Victorian Education Department’s historical child sexual abuse scandal was hidden for decades

ABC Investigations / By Russell Jackson

Posted Sun 27 Aug 2023 

On June 27, 2019, the viewing areas of Melbourne’s County Court were a hive of nervous energy as Justice Gabriele Cannon arrived to deliver a sentence that would publicly account for the private sorrows of dozens of people in the room.

Slumped beside his defence counsel, a 78-year-old former primary school teacher who’d once sneered at his victims that they’d never be believed was now a diminished and defeated figure.

But it was not just the reputation of Vincent Henry Reynolds on trial that day.

The story presented of Reynolds’s career would soon be understood as a microcosm of the unravelling crisis of historical sexual abuse in the Victorian education system. It would reveal in granular detail the methods by which the Victorian Education Department had covered up the sexual abuse of children — methods that lawyers for survivors say have been identified in dozens of other cases. 

The catchwords for Cannon’s sentencing remarks were succinct and compelling: “historical sexual offending”; “42 charges”; “38 child complainants”; “period of offending about 31 years”; “abuse of power”; “gross breach of trust”; “brazen and prolonged offending”; “systemic failures in duty of care”.

Yet as disturbing as the raw numbers were, they sold short the devastation wrought by Reynolds’s decades of rampant abuse of children placed in his care at government-run schools, reflecting only the reported cases of those who’d both survived their ordeals and mustered the strength to endure the justice system’s lengthy and often dispiriting delays.

One after the other, survivors stepped forward to read victim impact statements to the court.

“The Education Department knew he was a sick child abuser, knew that he preyed on kids, but they turned him loose on me and my classmates, and on lots of other kids in country Victoria,” one of them would later say.

Survivors who’d spent decades negotiating their traumas alone now gathered as a collective, participating in the unfortunately rare experience of personally witnessing the comeuppance of their abuser.

Many present had witnessed a trial of a very different kind almost 30 years earlier in Wangaratta, when Reynolds was convicted but not jailed for sexually abusing 14 of his students. That time, survivors were left dumbstruck when a magistrate levied a $16,000 fine on Reynolds — a price of little more than $1000 for each irrevocably damaged life.

This time, seven years from the commencement of the Victoria Police investigation that would finally put Vincent Reynolds behind bars, the verdict looked like justice: Cannon jailed Reynolds for 12 years with a minimum term of nine years. He was likely to die in prison.

“I hope you rot in there slowly, you bastard,” came a voice from among the onlookers.

Read the rest here …