Should we be surprised that Louise Milligan’s 6th Grade Spiteful Girls’ Club, backed by the billion-dollar-funded ABC, was at the head of the mob going after Christian Porter? Of course not. That’s what Milligan and her spiteful pals do. They did it to Cardinal Pell and now they have done it to Christian Porter. The Milligan lynch mob has so crippled Porter that it will be a gargantuan effort to get up again. At each attempt the Milligan Spiteful Girls’ Club will set the mob running.

You see, Christian Porter is just the type that drives Milligan and her mob into a frenzy of hate: white, masculine (very masculine), clever, successful, and conservative. If you are a Porter-type, don’t be too successful or the 6th Grade Spiteful Girls’ Club at the ABC (Milligan, Ferguson, Sales, Neighbour & Co) will turn their billion-dollar might on you. You will not escape the mob.

How does Milligan and the ABC get away with it?

Christian Porter’s blind trust avoids ‘conflicts of interest’ ( 23 September 2021

Christian Porter resigns from Scott Morrison’s ministry after revealing he had accepted an anonymous donation – ABC News, 20 September 2021

Christian Porter resigns from federal cabinet to save trust donors from ‘trial by mob’ (, 20 September 2021

Media outlets seek to use ABC defence to Christian Porter allegations (, 18 August 2021

ABC documents in defamation case against Christian Porter handed to SA Coroner (, 28 July 2021

Barrister who tried to represent Christian Porter against ABC could face disciplinary complaint (, 18 June 2021

The question of ABC malice lingers in Christian Porter case (, Chris Merritt, 17 June 2021

Senate shuts down proposed Christian Porter probe (, Olivia Caisley, 17 June 2021

***The ABC and Corruption in High Places – Quadrant Online, Keith Windschuttle, 15 June 2021***

Unsatisfactory end to Christian Porter defamation case (, Chris Merritt, 4 June 2021

Christian Porter’s Famous Victory – Quadrant Online, Augusto Zimmermann, 2 June 2021

ABC apology in court over premature tweet on Christian Porter (, James Madden, 2 June 2021

Presumption of innocence for Christian Porter still elusive (, 2 June 2021

Jo Dyer threatens Christian Porter with legal action (, Kieran Gair, 1 June 2021

Christian Porter judge tests ABC secrecy clause (

Women Power Gets Contagious – Quadrant Online, Keith Windschuttle, 14 March 2021

Accusations from the Realm of Madness – Quadrant Online, Bill Dawes, Quadrant, 10 March 2021

Attorney-General Christian Porter must not face trial by media (

Horace Rumpole and Atticus Finch, You’re No Longer Needed – Quadrant Online

ABC’s revelations on Christian Porter show it learned nothing from Pell mistakes (

The ‘court of public opinion’ is nothing but mob rule | The Spectator Australia

Media show trial is not the answer for victims of rape (

Winds of change blow cold through corridors of power (

All balance lost in the crucible of a Canberra witch trial (, Gerard Henderson

Christian Porter allegations: Barnaby Joyce calls for inquiry into rape claim (

Christian Porter and a chilling, disgraceful denial of basic rights (

2021: the Year of Consequences for alpha abusers (

Christian Porter rape allegations: Unreconcilable teenage memories (

Rape stalemate threat to Scott Morrison’s agenda (

Conservatives have a gender problem (

When power, politics and principle collide (, Paul Kelly

‘Get Christian Porter’ a media disgrace that will alter his life (, Chris Kenny

Women telling their secrets the ultimate act of defiance (

It’s never too late: victims reporting incidents decades on (

Political stunt takes focus off the most vulnerable (

Grotesque political saga ignores principles of justice (

Issues of manliness