Tag Archives: Antoinette Lattouf

The ABC must hold the line against Lattouf

Antoinette Lattouf is a type. We all know what that type is. I have already posted several comments on the case she is running against the ABC with the help of the leftist law company Maurice Blackburn.

That type is the insufferable self-entitled young woman who does not think she owes it to anyone to follow the rules of the organization she works for. I thought the self-declared Lebanese Muslim was another irritating Gen Z type who couldn’t keep her mouth shut. She just had to give her opinion on a matter that was off limits for ABC employees. But Antoinette is suffering arrested development. She is older than the Gen Z age bracket.

Now Lattouf has offered the ABC a settlement via her lawyers which they describe as ‘modest’. The offer is in the headline to the SMH article below.

As I have said before; the ABC must not back down in this straightforward case of an employee flagrantly ignoring the rules of her employment. It would set a precedent for every self-entitled, young woman who thinks the world must know and benefit from her views.

For once, show some backbone ABC management


Lattouf’s ‘modest’ ABC offer: $85,000, replacement shifts and an apology

Calum Jaspan, Sydney Morning Herald, July 14, 2024
Compensation of $85,000, a public apology and reinstatement as a fill-in radio presenter are the three items on Antoinette Lattouf’s wish list from the ABC, should the national broadcaster want to avoid a costly trial in the Federal Court.

Lattouf’s legal team, led by Maurice Blackburn’s head of employment law, Josh Bornstein, wrote to the ABC last week offering a compromise settlement after mediation between the parties failed last month.

The message from ABC chief content officer Chris Oliver-Taylor confirming Lattouf would be stood down.
The message from ABC chief content officer Chris Oliver-Taylor confirming Lattouf would be stood down. CREDIT: MARIJA ERCEGOVAC

“The offer is modest and is made on an open basis. It is a compromise on what our client could be awarded at trial if she is successful, particularly having regard to any penalties that may be imposed,” said the letter, seen by this masthead.

In the letter to the ABC’s lawyers at Seyfarth Shaw, Bornstein and his team said if the offer were rejected, they estimated the broadcaster would spend an additional sum in the hundreds of thousands in legal costs, on top of the significant sum it had spent to date.

Lattouf’s team is holding the line on its accusation the ABC breached its disciplinary policies in its enterprise agreement by sacking her for reposting a Human Rights Watch post in December while presenting the Mornings show on ABC Radio Sydney for five days.

Read the rest here . . .

Antoinette Lattouf: A portrait

The news.com.au report below reveals that if anyone is impressed with Antoinette’s beauty, cleverness, and ability it’s her. These insufferable young women whose sense of entitlement knows no bounds…


‘Nobody can fire me’: ABC host Antoinette Lattouf before exit

A sacked ABC journo made an extraordinary claim just weeks before she was let go for her controversial posts about Israel and Gaza.

Chloe Whelan, news.com.au, 22 January 2024

Axed journalist Antoinette Lattouf bragged she “could not be fired” over her views on Israel and Gaza just days before signing an ill-fated agreement with the ABC.

Ms Lattouf was dismissed in late December, three days into a five-day hosting gig on the ABC’s Radio Sydney morning show.

She says she was axed due to her political views on the Israel and Gaza war, as well as her Lebanese heritage, while the ABC claims it was because Ms Lattouf was warned not to share controversial social media posts while working for the national broadcaster but continued to do so.

Ms Lattouf said, as an independent journo, “nobody can fire me”. Picture: Instagram.

Ms Lattouf said, as an independent journo, “nobody can fire me”. Picture: Instagram.

She claims to have been fired by the ABC in December. Picture: Instagram.

She claims to have been fired by the ABC in December. Picture: Instagram.

Now, it’s been revealed Ms Lattouf believed she couldn’t be fired in her capacity as a freelance journalist and didn’t look kindly upon publications that didn’t want to work with her due to her pro-Palestine beliefs.

On November 24, just three days before signing on to work for the ABC, Ms Lattouf shared a three-minute video to social media, praising journalists who had signed an open letter calling for newsrooms to treat unverified information from Israel’s government or terror group Hamas with the same “professional scepticism”.

She threw her weight behind the letter and declared: “As an independent and freelance journalist, nobody can fire me”.

Ms Lattouf then laughed and said: “I will certainly be using my voice and sharing my concerns.

“I have thought about future job prospects, so if somebody doesn’t want to work with me because I care about dozens of journalists who have been slaughtered by doing their work, because I care about the thousands and thousands of children who have been killed and civilians harmed … then honestly f**k them.”

Ms Lattouf hosted ABC radio in the week before Christmas. Picture: Instagram.

Ms Lattouf hosted ABC radio in the week before Christmas. Picture: Instagram.

The ABC says Ms Lattouf was let go due to her social media activity, which included — before she was employed by the national broadcaster — repeatedly questioning whether videos of pro-Palestinian protesters chanting “gas the Jews” at Sydney’s Opera House were verified.

On December 20, she shared a post from Human Rights Watch that read: “The Israeli government is using starvation of civilians as a weapon of war in Gaza.”

It was the latter post, shared on Ms Lattouf’s third day working for the ABC, that saw her employment terminated.

Read the rest here . . .

ABC must not lose against precious Antoinette Lattouf

It is a relief to hear that the ABC management has engaged law firm Seyfarth Shaw to defend itself against a self-absorbed Gen Zed prima donna who just had to flap out her unasked-for views on the Gaza issue while at work with the ABC. She could not manage to keep her mouth shut despite being warned.

The ABC reported that Seyfarth Shaw was among “the most egregious union-busting law firms”, and had a reputation for representing management “very aggressively when it comes to issues of employees who are alleging discrimination due to race or gender”.

Three cheers.

A good part of the Australian population is sick to death of people reaching for the race card, or the gender card, when things don’t work out for them.

The ABC management told Lattouf not to ‘post on social media about matters of controversy during the short period she was presenting.’ Thinking her opinions were of the utmost importance, she ignored the directions. She was justifiably taken off air. Thus the Gen Zed tantrum that will tie up loads of ABC money, earn her lawyers a packet, and promote Antoinette’s social media presence.

The decision to engage an attack-dog law firm pleased me for a second reason. David Anderson, the ABC’s Managing Director, faced down a crowd of ABC union members who had passed a no-confidence vote in him.

It’s about time the ABC management took back the management of the ABC from the various woke political cliques that use the billion-dollar government-funded ABC to air their green-left views, destroy the ideologically unapproved, and pursue their particular green-left campaigns.


ABC hires ‘notoriously anti-worker’ US law firm, Seyfarth Shaw, in Antoinette Lattouf unlawful dismissal case

ABC Investigations / Exclusive by Josh Robertson, 30 Jan 2024

Lattouf ABC Radio Sydney
Antoinette Lattouf lodged a claim for unlawful dismissal against the ABC.(Supplied: Instagram)

abc.net.au/news/abc-hires-seyfarth-shaw-in-lattouf-unlawful-dismissal-case/103394616Copy link

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  • In short: The ABC has hired Seyfarth Shaw, a US law firm with a reputation for anti-union practices, to defend it in a high-profile unlawful dismissal case.
  • Seyfarth Shaw has represented major corporations in worker lawsuits against Amazon, Starbucks, and Apple.
  • What’s next? The next hearing for the case is set for March 8.

The ABC has been accused of playing “hardball” by hiring a “notoriously anti-worker” law firm from the US to defend a high-profile unlawful dismissal case involving journalist Antoinette Lattouf.

ABC Investigations can reveal the national broadcaster is being represented by Seyfarth Shaw, which has a decades-long reputation for anti-union practices in the US, to act in the Fair Work Commission matter against Ms Lattouf.

The move has prompted criticism from the journalists’ union which says the broadcaster is sending the “wrong message” in a case that has generated international attention.

Ms Lattouf alleges the ABC unlawfully sacked her in the middle of a five-day radio presenting contract in Sydney in December after pressure from pro-Israel lawyers.

Antoinette Lattouf speaks after hearing into unlawful termination from ABC
Antoinette Lattouf has vowed to fight the national broadcaster for “as long as it takes”.

The Lebanese-Australian journalist was taken off air after she shared a social media post from Human Rights Watch accusing Israel of starving civilians in Gaza “as a weapon of war”.

Media reports have revealed a private campaign involving pro-Israel lawyers who allegedly wrote to ABC chair Ita Buttrose and managing director David Anderson, demanding Ms Lattouf’s sacking and threatening legal action.

Ms Lattouf alleges her unlawful dismissal also involved discrimination on the basis of race and political opinion.

The ABC has rejected her claim and is seeking to have the case thrown out.

John Logan, a labour studies expert at San Francisco State University, said the ABC’s engagement of Seyfarth Shaw was “a sign that you’re in for a very tough, aggressive fight from management”.

Read the rest here . . .

Crucial connections – Lattouf, Muslim demonstrators, the far left, and Clementine Ford?

Hundreds rally in support of Palestine and sacked ABC journalist Antoinette Lattouf

Former ABC presenter Antoinette Lattouf has claimed she was the target of an “orchestrated attack” as hundreds rally in support.

Eli Green, news.com.au, 21 January 2024

Melburnians have gathered in their hundreds for a pro-Palestine rally also in support of a former ABC journalist who was let go over social media posts on the conflict.

Melburnians have gathered in their hundreds for a pro-Palestine rally also in support of a former ABC journalist who was let go over social media posts on the conflict.

A former ABC presenter sacked over a social media post about the war in Gaza has claimed she was “thrown under the bus” by the public broadcaster.

Antoinette Lattouf claims she was targeted by an “orchestrated attack” after she was dismissed in December just three days into a week-long hosting gig on Radio Sydney’s morning show.

She was let go after sharing a social media post about the conflict in Gaza, with ABC management telling her she was not allowed to post about controversial issues while in the presenter position.

The rally was also in support of ABC fill-in presenter Antoinette Lattouf who was let go from the broadcaster over social media posts. Picture: Instagram

The rally was also in support of ABC fill-in presenter Antoinette Lattouf who was let go from the broadcaster over social media posts. Picture: Instagram

Ms Lattouf said she was surprised that her sacking had triggered protests.

“I was floored, not only [by] how I was fired but how quickly things escalated because one minute I was taking talkback callers … the next, I’m thrown under the bus in a very public way,” she said in a BBC interview.

Reports this week have revealed that a group called Lawyers for Israel campaigned for Ms Lattouf to be ousted from the position, urging members to flood the ABC’s complaints from taking issue with the presenter.

Ms Lattouf said she had “no beef” with those wanting to lobby but took issue with the access the group appears to have gained.

“What I have real concerns with is when a lobby group seems to have a direct channel, [and] access to, very senior people, in this case, the chair of the board at the ABC, and can influence an outcome so rapidly,” she said.

Read the rest here . . .