Tag Archives: Synod 2023

The apostate pope

Archbishop Viganò: Catholics must seriously consider the possibility that Francis isn’t the pope

Archbishop Vigano, Tue Oct 3, 2023 LifeSiteNews

We must ‘take seriously, very seriously, the possibility that Bergoglio intended to obtain the election by means of fraud… in order to do the exact opposite of what Jesus Christ gave a mandate to Saint Peter and his Successors to do.’

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(LifeSiteNews) –– Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has released the following statement on the ongoing theological debate over the status of Pope Francis and the papacy. In many ways, this is his most pointed criticism yet. His Excellency argues that given the devastation caused by “Jorge Mario Bergoglio” on the universal Church — which stems from his embrace of the “cancer” of Vatican II — and given the role the Saint Gallen mafia played in the 2013 conclave, Pope Francis does not have and never did have the intention of serving as the head of the Catholic Church.

Rather he hid his intentions from electors with the end goal of using the authority of the papacy to undermine the Church and to make it the “handmaid” of the New World Order. “I believe instead that his acceptance of the papacy is invalidated, because he considers the papacy something other than what it is,” Viganò remarks. He continues: “I would like us to take seriously … the possibility that Bergoglio intended to obtain the election by means of fraud, and that he intended to abuse the authority of the Roman Pontiff in order to do the exact opposite of what Jesus Christ gave a mandate to Saint Peter.” The Archbishop also states that he disagrees with Bishop Athanasius Schneider’s view that “universal acceptance” of Francis as the pope makes him the pope. His Excellency points to the historical example of Clement VII in the 14th century to support his argument. While admitting the current situation is “humanly irremediable,” his goal in publishing the letter is to “get to the root of the question” and to find a common starting point that can lead to a “remedy [to] the disconcerting, scandalous presence of a pope who presents himself with ostentatious arrogance as inimicus Ecclesiæ, and who acts and speaks as such.”


A fructibus eorum cognoscetis eos.
Numquid colligunt de spinis uvas aut de tribulis ficus?

Sic omnis arbor bona fructus bonos facit; mala autem arbor fructus malos facit.
Non potest arbor bona fructus malos facere, neque arbor mala fructus bonos facere.
Omnis arbor quæ non facit fructum bonum exciditur et in ignem mittitur.
Igitur ex fructibus eorum cognoscetis eos.

By their fruits you will know them.
Does anyone pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
Just so, every good tree bears good fruit; and a rotten tree bears bad fruit.
A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a rotten tree bear good fruit.
Every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.
Therefore By their fruits you will know them.

Mt 7:16-20

In this speech I will not try to give answers, but to pose a question that can no longer be postponed, so that we bishops, the clergy, and the faithful can look clearly at the very serious apostasy present as a completely unprecedented fact, one that cannot be resolved, in my opinion, by resorting to our usual categories of judgment and action.

The evidence of the ‘Bergoglio problem’

The proliferation of declarations and behaviors completely foreign to what is expected of a pope – and indeed in contrast with the Faith and Morality of which the Papacy is the guardian – has led many of the faithful and an increasingly large number of bishops to take note of something that until some time ago seemed unheard of: the Throne of Peter is occupied by a person who abuses his power, using it for the opposite purpose to that for which Our Lord instituted it.

Read the rest here …

Fake church in ascendance

Catholic Religious Australia (CRA) is no small organization. They say they are ‘the peak body and representative association for Catholic Religious Institutes and Societies of Apostolic Life in Australia.’

To state the obvious, their announcements tell us what the majority of religious in Australia think about Church teaching and Church matters – Church government in particular. Below is a media release promoting the tour of Dr James Alison, ‘a prominent Catholic theologian.’

Dr Alison’s tour will be, first, ‘to nurture truthful dialogue in the Church regarding matters LGBTQIA+.’ Despite the woolly language that follows, this means normalizing homosexuality. Second, it will agitate ‘for a more inclusive, participatory and synodal Church which dialogues.’ This means a system of participatory democracy, a flat-lining of Church management in direct contradiction of the present hierarchical Church and one in which everyone has a say.

It is the sort of ‘democracy’ which pretend-sister Nathalie Becquart has visited Australia several times to promote. See my previous comments about this political sister.

A Church of participatory democracy is as much a fraud as Natalie Bequart. Dialoguing is browbeating until everyone agrees with the leaders of whatever assembly is in question, but the assembly meant is synodal. There were embarrassing examples of it at the recent Plenary Council.

To demonstrate that the CRA and Dr Alison are not at all embarrassed about promoting inconsistencies and contradictions, we find below that Dr James Alison ‘will be sharing a vision of an inclusive, psychologically healthy Christian life that is scripturally based, theologically orthodox, and ecclesially grounded.’

The push to normalize homosexuality is a push to overthrow Church teaching as it stands Scripturally and theologically. Indeed, the CRA wants to replace the present Church with one entirely different – one of their own making.

I wish these people would be for once straightforward about their aims.


Continue reading Fake church in ascendance

Cardinal Pell speaks about the ‘Synod’

The following is taken from the Facebook page George Pell, Victim Soul


The Synod begins this week! Cardinal Pell, of blessed memory, wrote a scathing attack on it for the ‘Spectator’ Magazine on January 11 this year, where he called it a ‘toxic nightmare’ and three days later, he was dead. Some see that as a little too convenient.

I publish the text of that final article that Pell wrote here, in full, as its often hidden behind a paid subscription wall and can’t be accessed. I hope that you will share it, so that people can be as alarmed as he was, and pray that God will act to save our church, before it’s too late!


“The Catholic Church must free itself from this ‘toxic nightmare’”

by Cardinal George Pell, Spectator Magazine, January 11, 2023

The Catholic Synod of Bishops is now busy constructing what they think of as ‘God’s dream’ of synodality. Unfortunately this divine dream has developed into a toxic nightmare despite the bishops’ professed good intentions.

They have produced a 45-page booklet which presents its account of the discussions of the first stage of ‘listening and discernment’, held in many parts of the world, and it is one of the most incoherent documents ever sent out from Rome.

While we thank God that Catholic numbers around the globe, especially in Africa and Asia are increasing, the picture is radically different in Latin America with losses to the Protestants as well as the secularists.

With no sense of irony, the document is entitled ‘Enlarge the Space of Your Tent’, and the aim of doing so is to accommodate, not the newly baptised —those who have answered the call to repent and believe — but anyone who might be interested enough to listen. Participants are urged to be welcoming and radically inclusive: ‘No one is excluded’.

What is one to make of this potpourri, this outpouring of New Age good will?

Continue reading Cardinal Pell speaks about the ‘Synod’